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URGENT! GNA Legislative Alert: Call to Action

Posted about 5 years ago by Charlotte Endemano

The Veterinary Technician Bill will be on the Senate floor today, Thursday, February 21, 2019.

Veterinary Technician Bill

  • S.B. 76 - will change the title for Veterinary Technicians to Veterinary NURSE.
  • We believe the title, “Nurse”, should be protected and limited only to those caring for humans. Nurses have worked for well over a century to build a standard of credibility for themselves. Polling shows that nursing is the most ethical and trusted profession.

ACTION: This bill was assigned to, and has since passed out of, the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Consumer Affairs and will be on the Senate floor for a vote TODAY! We are requesting that members contact your  State Senator and indicate that you are not in support of SB 76 and request that they vote NO on this bill. You can find your State Senator HERE

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