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GNA President Responds to Washington State Senator Walsh's Comment Saying that Nurses 'play cards' for 'considerable amount of the day'

Posted about 5 years ago by Charlotte Endemano

On Saturday, April 20, 2019, GNA President Richard Lamphier, RN, responded to Washington State Senator Maureen Walsh's remarks suggesting that nurses in smaller hospitals "probably play cards for a considerable amount of the day," according to a CNN article

In response, President Lamphier said, “As nurses, we all felt insulted by Senator Walsh’s uneducated comment on nurses working in smaller hospitals sitting around playing cards. We support our fellow colleagues in Washington in condemning these thoughtless remarks. According to polls, nurses are the most trusted profession. We must continue educating and advocating public officials on what is best for the nursing profession.”

To read the complete CNN article, click HERE

For questions, please contact GNA President Richard Lamphier at

About GNA

We are the largest professional association for registered nurses in the State of Georgia. Since our founding in 1907, our Mission and Vision has remained constant; nurses shaping the future of professional nursing for a healthier Georgia. 

We take care of our members by hosting energizing experiences, providing empowering insight and giving essential resources that will help them grow professionally. We also care for them by offering lifestyle benefits that enhance their quality of life and demonstrate our commitment to Taking Care of the WHOLE Nurse. 

Unity and one voice within the nursing profession is pivotal to us, therefore we constantly seek ways to join efforts across nursing specialty societies and patient advocacy groups to ensure that our voice is heard in every arena.

GNA Mission & Vision Statement

Nurses shaping the future of professional nursing for a healthier Georgia.

GNA Promise

To provide opportunities for growth through energizing experiences, empowering insight and essential resources.