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GNA President-Elect Dr. Dina Hewett Publishes New Book for Nurses Entering the Critical Care Setting

Posted over 4 years ago by Charlotte Endemano

Fast Facts for the Critical Care Nurse is designed for the new graduate going into critical care or someone transitioning into critical care. It is a quick reference for the most common critical care admissions. 

"I am so excited about this and I cannot believe that it is now published," expressed Dr. Hewett. 

The book is available for purchase through Springer Publishing, also on Amazon and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses website. 

A member for many years, Dr. Hewett has actively supported the work of GNA in the past three years in various capacities, ranging from Continuing Educating Committee Member to GNA Treasurer to current GNA President-Elect. She has consistently helped advance the nursing profession in Georgia in diverse leadership roles and currently holds a position as Associate Dean of Nursing Operations, Herzing University. 

It is with great pride that we congratulate Dr. Hewett for this great accomplishment and contribution to the nursing profession!