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GNA releases second statement against racism and social injustice

Posted almost 4 years ago by Charlotte Endemano

Friday, June 12, 2020- Nursing is one body, comprised of many individuals, from all walks of life. Each one of us is a unique and valued contributor to our profession, the most trusted profession. Our purpose is to care for all human beings, applying our training with compassion, empathy, and respect.

Every nurse, across all areas of practice, is a representative of our collective body working together to “Do No Harm”.  

We, the Georgia Nurses Association, are committed to being an actively engaged partner in addressing racial injustice and social inequality in our country. We understand that the first step in doing so entails an acknowledgment of the present-day realties and life experiences of our African American patients and colleagues.

As nurses, we refuse to tolerate any acts of disrespect, discrimination, and harassment, verbal or otherwise, against any individual or group. Where systemic barriers to equality and true justice exist, we will work to apply the same compassion, empathy, and respect that we show to the patients in our care, towards progress.

We are here, we see you and we care. We support you. We are listening.
