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GNA Partners with Atrium Health to Spearhead New Organizational Membership Model

Posted 8 months ago by Charlotte Endemano

September 20, 2023 - The Georgia Nurses Association (GNA) has partnered with Atrium Health to offer joined membership into GNA and ANA to Atrium Health nurses. Nurses opt into a membership with GNA/ANA, and Atrium health pays the full annual membership fee.

This new program is a twofold effort to increase the number of GNA/ANA Members and thereby strengthen nurses’ impact and reach, while alleviating the financial burden that may prevent them from joining the associations; and to educate, inform, and empower nurses to be the best version of their professional selves through membership.

“This program differs from the GNA Organizational Affiliate Membership Program in that instead of an organization being the recipient of certain benefits and perks, the individual nurses themselves are granted membership and the benefits thereof,” said GNA Senior Director of Membership & Government Affairs Tim Davis.  

“Through the partnership, Atrium Health will benefit by having their employees be a part of a solid group of professionals who not only excel as caregivers, but also possess the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage the needs of a healthcare system that provides high quality care to their patients: A significant return on their investment,” added Davis.

The offering can easily be customized to fit the needs of any healthcare system and can serve as a vital recruitment and retention tool for them to deploy.

“We look forward to securing additional partnerships with healthcare systems across Georgia. The benefits of association membership are vast and far reaching. I am excited that through our partnership, Atrium Health is putting its money where its mouth is as it relates to supporting their nurses both professionally and personally.”

GNA’s advocacy, professional development, professional and lifestyle benefits, and access to networking and growth opportunities allow GNA members to fully realize their professional potential.

For questions about the program, please complete the form here or contact GNA Senior Director of Membership & Government Affairs Tim Davis at

