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GNA Statement on the tragic events at Apalachee High School

Posted 28 days ago

We are deeply saddened by the tragic shooting, that took place yesterday, at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. The four lives that were lost are deeply mourned. We extend our condolences to all families, friends, and community members who were impacted. Our well thoughts are with the eight students and teacher that were wounded and hospitalized. We wish each person a speedy recovery. 


Our sincere gratitude is extended to the first responders, the police, and the school faculty who took swift action. A special thank you to the school nurses who used heroic measures to render first aid, console the students and faculty, and showed up as nurses always do. We thank you for your efforts to heal and be there in this wake of such a tragedy. 


We know that this will be a long road as the events were devastating not only to the school, but also to the city and the state. We are all thinking of Barrow County. The Georgia nurses Association stands with Apalachee High School,  we condemn violence against all of humanity. 


Yours in service,


Erica Mills, PhD, RN, NPD-BC

Georgia Nurses Association, President